#Summer crosswords series#
All these things could look traditional and part of a routine for Italian people still living in the country but living these moments for me after I moved out of Italy made me appreciate them like never before, especially in these weird times we’re going through, I think that taking a moment to enjoy the most simple things is really bliss. The series Crosswords for the summer is a special proposal for creative activities and the cultivation of childrens language skills during the holidays. After spending the whole lockdown in the UK I decided to go back to Italy for a couple of weeks to spend the summer with my friends and family, I grew up close to the seaside and it’s safe to say the sea is one of the things I miss most and I always tell my English friends about how summer in Italy is special and unique, so I brought my analog camera with me to Venice and Riviera Romagnola to try to catch the typical moments that characterize summertime in the north-middle of Italy midnight pasta, old people sunbathing, crosswords at the beach, drinks by the canal. Solving summer-themed crossword puzzles is one fun game where you can involve your kids to enhance their vocabulary over their summer holidays. Courses adults and children from 3 years old in a wide range of activities, covering Arts, Literature, Music. This will probably be hilarious to read Have a spelling test using the words from the puzzle.

Here are some of the best options available.
#Summer crosswords for free#
“I’m Valentina, I’m 27 and I live in London but I’m originally from Venice, Italy. Marlborough College Summer School - 2023. Write a short story using all the words from the summer crossword puzzle. Free Printable Summer Crossword Puzzles Many people ask themselves What do I do to print crosswords Where do I find online crosswords for free If you’ve been stuck trying to figure out where to find free crossword puzzles on the internet, this article will assist you in finding these puzzles. So just right in time for that we present you the images of London based Valentina Gurian, who decided to spent her summer back home in Italy, capturing typical moments that characterize summertime in the north-middle of Italy. I feel like a younger child would be able to figure it out as well, especially with the word bank. Only you will really know if this would be a good fit for your child. This printable crossword puzzle would be great for 6-10 year olds.
Tailored to the curriculum, the resource is a great way for children to practise writing and spelling. A perfect crossword puzzle for kids for those summer months. Summer is drawing to an end, and just for little bit more time we want to cherish those sun-kissed days before the first colourful autumn leaves appear in front of our windows. Dowload our free summer crossword primary resource.