The subject matter is 100% meta-narrative choosing instead to tell a story within the protagonist’s psyche, and making reference to real-world events that it chooses not to elaborate upon. Summary: You awake in a nightmarish carnival and watch a golden-haired woman hurl herself down a bottomless well for your sake.

Not to say it’s a breeze to play, but it definitely flowed better in our experience. Strangeland is a Surrealist Psychological Horror Point-and-Click Adventure Game, developed by Wormwood Studios (developers of Primordia (2012)) and published by. we don’t feel like it lasted as long as Primordia, but that’s probably because we spent less time getting stuck at parts. Pulsating horrors and puzzling wordplay abound in the place you know as Strangeland. You’re welcomed by a Danny DeVito-like clown, talking ravens from the tales of Grimnir, and an eerie atmosphere that is brilliant. A wonderfully streamlined adventure game. You’ve arrived at this hellish carnival where a woman continually kills herself, and there’s nothing you can do about it.