This stone provides vitality and strength to the body.Red Jasper healing properties include regulation of metabolic energies of the body.Red jasper healing properties are divided into three parts – Grounding is one of the properties of red jasper that keeps us connected with our roots. The healing properties of red jasper are what makes it sacred and honored for centuries. If you ever come across the question “what is red jasper good for?”, then this stone connects us to our root chakra and imparts energy to all our chakras. It is deeply connected with Mother Earth. Red jasper stone is a stone of courage, comfort, and protection. It is a powerful stone of passion that helps in restoring and reviving libido. Red jasper healing properties are magical, they can heal our body, mind, and soul. This stone is considered to be best for those who work with Earth energies to establish a connection with the Earth Guardians and spirits. In ancient Egypt, it was believed that red jasper crystals were linked to Mother Isis’s fertility. They even believe that this stone was the blood of Mother Earth. Native Americans used this stone as a means of bringing rebirth and reigning health.

The Viking and Germanic legends say that the dragon slayer, Siegfried’s magical sword was inlaid with Red Jasper so that he can get the courage to kill the monsters. Red Jasper has been honored by ancient people as a sacred stone.

This stone is also called “rain bringers”. Red Jasper crystal’s meaning can be understood by its popularity as the stone of protection for physical and spiritual healing across the globe for centuries.